Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ball of Con Fusion – Part 1

So round 'n' round 'n' round we go
Where the world's headed, nobody knows
Just a Ball of Confusion
Oh yea, that's what the world is today.

Those lyrics from the Temptations' 1970 hit Ball of Confusion[1] could easily describe our collective perceptions today about energy use and its impact on the environment.  In this and my next post, I will attempt to untangle the ball of confusion that keeps us tied to the use of fossil fuels to meet America's energy needs.  Burning fossil fuels to heat our homes, propel our cars and power our factories releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.  Most scientists agree that the buildup of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere is caused by humans burning fossil fuels and that buildup is causing global warming and other changes in climate. 

Despite the consensus among scientists, climate change skeptics abound, particularly in the United States.  According to a Pew Research Center poll taken in October of 2013, only 25% of self-proclaimed Tea Party Republicans believe there is solid evidence of global warming.  In fact, during the 2008 Presidential campaign, “Drill, Baby, drill,” was used as a campaign slogan by the Republican Party.  The Republicans continue to strongly advocate continued reliance on oil and other fossil fuels to meet our nation’s energy needs.  Not surprisingly, Republican candidates are overwhelming favored over Democrats in terms of being the recipients of campaign contributions from the fossil fuels lobby.  

But even if you don't believe that burning fossil fuels is causing climate change, it is hard to ignore the other environmental impacts associated with their use. From mining to processing to burning, coal’s negative impact on the environment is well known.  Strip mining and mountain top removal have left ugly scars throughout coal country, and acid mine drainage contributes pollution to streams and rivers daily.  In addition, burning coal contributes a lot more than carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.  The laundry list of pollutants emitted from coal burning power plants includes sulfur dioxide (linked to acid rain), nitrous oxides, various particulates and a veritable cornucopia of hazardous air pollutants such as mercury, arsenic and lead.  Power plants have constructed air pollution control devices to remove many of these pollutants, but then they end up in coal ash and other solid wastes that must be disposed of. Oh, and did I mention the human toll?  Over 100,000 lives have been lost as a result of coal mining during the past century, not to mention the thousands afflicted with Black Lung Disease from years of working in coal mines.  

Oil production likewise results in plenty of pollution besides carbon dioxide emissions.  The damage from major oil spills including the 2010 Deepwater Horizon and the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill has been well documented.  Refining crude oil into its component products also results in air and water pollution.  While a portion of petroleum products are converted into petrochemicals, approximately 80% is manufactured into products that will be burned as fuel.  Most of that will end up as gasoline to fuel motor vehicles.  Motor vehicles contribute carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides and smog-inducing volatile organic compounds to the air along with tons of carbon dioxide. 

What about natural gas?  It’s been touted as a transition fuel – as a less polluting substitute for burning coal to produce electricity.  It is true that burning natural gas releases carbon dioxide and little else to the atmosphere.  The CO2 emitted from burning natural gas is about half the amount emitted from burning coal.  However, a recent study conducted by Stanford University, MIT and the Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory concluded that methane leaks associated with its production and transportation may be negating any environmental benefits obtained by switching from oil and coal to natural gas.  This is because methane, the chief component of natural gas, has 30 times the heat trapping potential of CO2.  Also, much of the natural gas today is being extracted from deep shale formations using the controversial method of hydraulic fracturing or “fracking."  Opponents of fracking cite instances of methane migration into groundwater supplies and express concerns about what happens to the hazardous chemicals injected into the ground during the fracking process.  They see these and other negative environmental impacts as reasons to ban this relatively new method or to at least argue for a moratorium on its use until fracking's  risks are better understood.

Overall, the burning of coal, oil and natural gas accounts for 67% of the energy currently produced in the U.S.  Only about 12% of America's energy needs are met by using renewable sources such as wind, water, solar and biomass.  Another 19% is produced using nuclear power.  

So what about nukes?  They are powered by nuclear fission – the splitting of atoms from radioactive material.  It is true that nuclear power plants do not produce greenhouse gases, but increasing their use to generate our power carries its own set of risks.  Since being put into commercial use, there have been at least three well publicized disasters involving nuclear power plants – Three Mile Island (1979), Chernobyl (1986) and Fukushima (2011).  In addition to those major accidents, there have been many smaller instances of things going wrong at nuclear plants around the world.
So can renewables meet the future energy needs in the United States?  Some would say it’s possible.  As an example, nearly half of Sweden's  power needs are being met with energy generated from renewable sources.  Various legislative actions, including a carbon tax, have driven down that nation’s reliance on fossil fuels; currently only about 30% of Sweden’s energy is derived from burning them.  But the U.S. is a bit different than Sweden. It has over 300 million more people and a much larger area. 

So if renewables are not the complete answer, is there a power source that can take the dominant place of fossil fuels in the U.S.?  For decades scientists have held out the promise of nuclear fusion as a cheap, non-polluting source to power our electric generating plants.  Rather than splitting atoms, fusion releases heat and energy by combining them.  Our sun and the stars are powered by the fusion of hydrogen atoms under intense heat and pressure which creates helium as a by-product.  The hydrogen to power fusion on earth could be obtained from cheap, abundant seawater.  Unlike fossil fuels, fusion produces no greenhouse gases or other atmospheric pollutants.  And unlike current nuclear plants that rely on fission, fusion does not produce large amounts of dangerous radioactive wastes that need to be safely stored for thousands of years.

Fusion indirectly provides power to us when we utilize solar panels to generate electricity.  It also indirectly supplies power via the prehistoric vegetation that was formed into the fossil fuels we extract and burn today.  Man has learned to use fusion to release massive amounts of power for destructive purposes.  Thermonuclear weapons like the hydrogen bomb use fusion triggered by a smaller fission-based nuclear explosion to create a destructive force 1,000 times more powerful than atomic (fission) bombs.  However, the creation of a sustained fusion reaction to meet peacetime energy needs has been a bit more difficult to achieve. 

Nevertheless, there has been some recent, significant progress toward the use of fusion as an energy source.  In my next post I will take a look at that progress and discuss whether the problems created by burning fossil fuels to supply energy over the past 200 years might be solved by using nuclear fusion over the next 200 years. 

[1] Written by Norman Whitfield & Barrett Strong

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